Principles of Performance Management Plan

Principles of Performance Management PlanPrinciples of Performance Management Plan - For effective working of performance management, management must keep certain guidelines in mind. These guidelines may help in proper working and avoid much confusion during work. Experts have suggested the following principles: 

1. Continuous Coaching, Feedback and Communication

Performance management is considered a continuous process, not an event. For its proper and effective working the principles of continuous coaching and feedback are integral to success. These will definitely coordinate the related activities properly.

2. Effective Communication

The Performance Management Plan gets involved line managers, supervisors, experts and consultants. To coordinate between them a proper timely and effective communication is needed. If is not there the objective of the plan will be defeated. It will ensure mutual understanding of work responsibilities, priorities, and performance standards and measurements.

3. Discussion and Evaluation

Discussion and evaluation of specific job should be there. The discussion and evaluation should be regarding nature of jobs, tasks, competencies needed to perform these jobs, major duties and responsibilities and the performance standards. These must be specifically defined and communicated as the first step in the process.

4. Performance Standards

Performance standards for each major duty / responsibility must be defined and communicated to all concerned. These standards are to be decided in mutual discussion with line managers, manager in charge of the job, persons performing the jobs, in house experts and consultants. Through detailed discussion the lowest, highest and average performance of the performers are to be taken in to account before finalizing the performance standard. These must be feasible to achieve by an average performer.

5. Employee Involvement and Development

According to the fifth principles of performance management plan, the management must kept in mind that they must be involved the it and efforts must be there for their development and improvement of performance at work They must be motivated to develop their competencies, involve in the jobs and give best output to contribute in achievement of the organizational goals. Without proper involvement and development of employees it is not at all effective.

6. Fair Performance Evaluation

The evaluation of the performance of people at work should be carried out timely. It should be fair without favor and fear. If it is done so then the exact poison of the performance given by the employees will be clear. Otherwise misguiding result will be there. The very objective of the performance measurement will not be served. The performance evaluation should not be frequent but at least annually it should be carried out because it is time and efforts consuming.

7. Proper Documentation

The principle of proper documentation should be considered an important principle for effective working of the plan. The plan should be drawn and documents should be prepared. It should be communicated for all concerned who have been identified. The development, recognition, compensation and reward plan should be in black and white. Proper records are to be maintained. Further, proper documents of performance appraisal are needed for further remedial action. It these are not prepared then whenever confusion is there the documentary evidence cannot be given and management has nothing to refer in case of doubts arise regarding past decisions taken

8. Performance Evaluation for Every One

The performance appraisal of all employees should be carried out. It is not only applicable to lower and middle levels. It should be applied to the top level also. The senior level performs must be evaluation on the basis of the successful administration of the plan and ongoing performance management responsibilities

9. Training for Managers, Supervisors and Employees

The training should be made available for everyone in the organization. It should be encouraged. It will keep the knowledge of the persons up to date. With changing technology, working procedures and new methods the present competencies becomes outdated. This has the effect on the performance. Special importance must be given for training of all levels people.

10. Consistent Performance Management Plan

This last principle of performance management plan directs that plan should be consistent. It should not be changed frequently. Further, should be consistent with federal and state laws. If proper attention is not given to this principle then confusion can be created among people those who are involved in performance management directly or indirectly.